Frost in Slovenian Istria

The cultivation of olives in Slovenian Istria does not have a long history, as severe frosts in 1929, 1956, and 1985 destroyed most of the trees. After the last frost, the Istrska Belica variety was planted and now accounts for approximately 70% of the trees in the region.


The first olive trees are planted

At the end of the 1990s Janko Franc Morgan, whom everyone calls Janko, decided to plant the first olive trees on his family's property. Before that they had always had a few dozen trees, which was enough for their own needs. He did everything by himself. In the beginning he cleaned and prepared the somewhat abandoned terraces for new plantations. He then split the logs of old, hardy olive trees, which always sprouted saplings after frosts, carefully nurtured the shoots and then planted them. When the saplings were strong enough, he grafted them with the Istrska belica variety. In the olive groves he also planted seedlings grown in nurseries.


The first logo

When we entered the market, this was the first design for our olive oil



We started our promotional activities by selling our products at market stalls.


Organic production

We decided to adopt organic production (BIO) with respect to our living environment and the care for our health. Organic production is controlled by external contractors, who issue an appropriate certification to the olive grower when all the necessary requirements are met.


Protected designation of origin of Olive oil of Slovenian Istria

The decision to use the PDO. The first protected designation of origin in Slovenia was entered in 2007 for extra virgin olive oil from Slovenian Istria which means that the oil has to be produced under precisely defined conditions, in terms of work in the olive grove, the varieties planted, and the processing of fruits into oil. These procedures are controlled by the relevant authorities.


Vice champion of Slovenia

We received our first major award at the Golden Olive Branch competition


Aromatic oils

First oils with various flavours (lemon, orange, chili)


Expansion on the Slovenian market

We started to sell our products in boutique and chain stores.


Champion oil of Slovenia

Winner of the Golden Olive Branch competition.


Cooperation with restaurants

Our oil began to decorate the tables of many prestigious restaurants.



The first groups visit us for oil tasting.


Flos Olei top20

Our olive oil has achieved great acclaim, being selected as one of the top 20 in the world at the prestigious Flos Olei competition. This was just the beginning of our success, as we subsequently received the award for best ecological oil in Slovenia at the BIOL competition and were among the top twelve at the Sol d'oro competition in Verona. Our collection of awards also includes gold medals from prestigious competitions in Tokyo, Israel, New York, Paris, Stockholm, London etc."


Beyond our national borders

Our oil received recognition beyond our national borders and so we started exporting it to Serbia, then Austria, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, etc.


New plantation

Our olive grove expanded and grew by an additional hectare.


New design

Our latest label was created.


“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary”

Implementation of the new motto: "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary". This means that the activities on the farm are focused on obtaining olive oil of the highest quality. The result of these activities are international and domestic awards we receive on an annual basis, and most importantly the satisfaction of our loyal customers.